Thanks to all who attended (or joined us online for) the Celebration of Roger’s life last Thursday. Hopefully the service did Roger proud and was exactly what he had hoped for. It was so good to see Frank Brown (aged 98) there and in such good form. Many may not be aware that Roger missed his first game as newly elected 1ST XI captain to be Frank’s best man. It was also good to learn that Dennis Heath’s 3.45am early morning call in the USA enabled him to join us online. After the service our Club historian, Reg Hart, advised me that Tuesday 28 January will mark 100 years of involvement in the Club by the Dean family! Incredible!
The refreshments afterwards became something of an Exiles reunion with some people who hadn’t seen one another for decades able to enjoy great shared memories. It was very apparent that there was an appetite for a major reunion during the summer in happier times. The Management Committee will consider this when it meets this week.
Roger’s family had requested no flowers and provided details for donations in Roger’s memory at the service last week. These are:; and
St Thomas Church - Account number: 60450863
Sort code: 40-11-58
If donating, can you please ensure that you make reference to the fact that your donation is in Roger Dean’s memory.
One final request is for people to add messages to the Book of Condolence. When complete the book will be printed off and bound. It will then be presented to Roger’s family.
David Taylor