1. The name of the Club shall be NORTHAMPTON EXILES CRICKET CLUB.
2. The colours of the Club shall be Maroon, Gold and Silver.
3. The purposes of the Club are to promote the amateur sport of cricket in the London Borough of Enfield and community participation in the same. The Club is a non-profit making organisation. All surpluses will be used to maintain or improve the Club’s facilities and to further its objects. No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties.
4. The Club shall consist of playing, non-playing, junior playing and honorary members. A Playing Member is one who pays the appropriate additional subscription with the intention of playing cricket. On reaching the age of 16, Junior Playing Members may apply for Playing or Non-Playing Membership. Honorary Membership shall be at the invitation of the Management Committee; spouses and partners of Members and their dependent children under the age of 16 shall be deemed to be Honorary Members. All members of Southgate Olympic AFC are automatically regarded as Honorary Members of the Club. The Club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not prove a significant obstacle to people participating. All Members over the age of 16 shall be entitled, except as restricted in rule 13, to one vote at all General Meetings of the Club. New members shall be elected by the Management Committee. A candidate for membership must be proposed and seconded by Members of the Club and shall not be admitted to membership until at least two days after the nomination has been made to a Member of the Management Committee. Membership shall be open to all, irrespective of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, creed, colour, social status and sexual orientation. The Club endorses the principle of Equity in Sport. It will treat everyone equally and will deal with any incident of discriminatory behaviour seriously. The Club is committed to everyone enjoying their cricket in an environment free from intimidation, harassment and abuse and expects all Members to support this commitment. The Club endorses the ECB Child Protection Policy and implements it in full.
5. The officers of the Club shall be Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Match Secretary, Club Captain, Club Welfare Officer, and Chairman of the Bar Committee, all to be ex- officio members of all committees.
6. The Club shall be governed by a Management Committee consisting of the Officers and at least three other Members, one of whom must be a Playing Member and one of whom must be an Honorary or a Non-Playing Member, all to be elected yearly at the Annual General Meeting. In addition the Colts Secretary and Ground Secretary to be co-opted whenever deemed necessary. The Management Committee shall meet at its discretion but no fewer than six times a year. Any Officer shall be entitled to call a Meeting of the Management Committee and at all Meetings of the Committee, five shall form a quorum. Any vacancy occurring amongst the Officers or Members of the Committee may be filled by the Committee until the next Annual General Meeting. The Management Committee shall have powers to co-opt and also to appoint from Club Members such sub-Committees as it shall deem necessary. The Management Committee shall have power to call Special General Meetings of the Club.
7. A Register of Members shall be kept in the Club premises.
8. The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held as soon as possible after the end of the Financial Year but not later than 23rd December. Two Members not serving on any Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to audit the Club Accounts.
9. The Club shall annually in General Meeting elect a Bar Committee consisting of not less than five members and not more than nine, whose duties shall include the purchase and supply of intoxicating liquor and supervision of all matters affecting the Club Bar. The permitted hours for the supply of intoxicating liquor shall be within the limits of prevailing national licensing hours at the discretion of the Management Committee. Members of visiting clubs must be signed into the Visitors Register by the Home Captain and may have full use of the Club Bar. All guests must be signed in by the introducing Member who shall be responsible for their conduct whilst they are on the Club premises. No Member under the age of 16 may introduce more than one guest per day and then only with the approval of a member of an elected Committee of the Club who shall counter sign the Visitor’s Register. No individual guest may be signed in more than twice in any one calendar month and no guest may remain on the Club premises after the introducing Member has left. No Member may purchase intoxicating liquor for guests under the age of 18. The Management Committee reserves full rights of admission of guests.
10. The Club shall annually in General Meeting elect a Colts Committee consisting of not less than five members and not more than nine, whose duties shall include the organisation and administration of all matters relating to the promotion, coaching and playing of cricket at Colts level within the Club.
11. Although the Chairman may have a casting vote at a General Meeting, this must be his/her only vote, he/ she having refrained from voting in the initial stages as required by Schedule 7(2)(4) Licensing Act 1964.
12. The Management Committee shall have the powers to expel a Member if such action is considered to be in the best interests of the Club by not less than three-quarters of those present at a Meeting of the Committee convened to discuss the matter. The Management Committee may refuse membership or remove it only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal of membership may be made to a panel of 3 Honorary Life Vice -Presidents who have had no involvement in the original decision.
13. Selection of teams shall be at the discretion of a Selection Committee consisting of the Club Captain (who shall chair the Committee), the Captain of each team or their representative, the Deputy Club Captain and one other Member, all to be elected at the Annual General Meeting. All members of the Committee shall be Past or Present playing members and shall be proposed, seconded and elected by Past and Present playing members only.
14. The Financial Year of the Club shall be from 1st November to the following 31st October. Subscriptions and levies for the ensuing season shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting. Subscriptions shall be payable on or before 1st June in each year or, in the case of new Members, within two weeks of election. No person whose subscription is overdue shall be entitled to the privileges of Membership until the subscription has been paid. The Management Committee may, at its discretion, reduce the amount of a Member’s subscription.
15. For all General Meetings of the Club, Members shall be given at least ten days notice and at all such meetings, fifteen shall be a quorum. A Special General Meeting must be called by the Secretary within twenty-eight days of the receipt by him of a request for such meeting, which shall specify its purpose, signed by not less than fifteen Members.
16. Alterations to these rules shall be made only at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting of the Club called for that purpose and with the approval of not less than two- thirds of the Members attending the Meeting. The Notice convening the Meeting shall specify the alteration or alterations proposed, amendments to which may be accepted by the Chairman of the Meeting, but no other alteration or addition to the Rules may be discussed.
17. The Management Committee shall have the power to make or alter Bye-Laws which shall be binding on all members. Such Bye-Laws shall be displayed on the Club notice-board at least seven days before coming into force.
18. The Club may at a General Meeting elect Life Vice Presidents in recognition of exceptional service to the Club. Nominations must be made in writing to the Secretary at least 10 days before the Meeting. Subscription fees are waived for Life Vice-Presidents who may wish to make donations instead.
19. In the event of dissolution, after discharging all debts and liabilities the remaining assets shall not be paid to or distributed among the Members but shall be given or transferred to another registered Community Amateur Sports Club a registered charity or cricket’s governing body.
1. For home matches, players shall be on the ground at least an hour prior to the scheduled commencement of play. For away matches, players shall arrive at the Club no later than the pre-arranged meeting time, or, if going direct to the away ground, shall be on that ground at least 45 minutes prior to the scheduled commencement of play.
2. For net practice, players are expected to wear suitable sports clothing and soft-soled shoes (no spikes).
3. Members are to conduct themselves both on and off the field in a manner that will bring credit to the Club.
4. Players are required to make their availability known to the Club Captain, a member of the Selection Committee or the Club website.
5. Players are expected both before, during and after games to assist with general duties connected with the ground and clubhouse, i.e. moving sight-screens, boundary boards and enclosures, etc, and, for members aged 18 an above, bar duty.
6. Reasonable courtesy and politeness must be shown to other members and visitors.
7. Members must leave the Club in a manner that will not offend local residents.